Introducing the ALL-NEW
Trusted Advisor Certification™ Program!

How will you keep your best customers from straying?

Transactional banking is dead.
Transformational banking is in.
(In fact, it’s the only thing that will work.)

Do your people really have the skills and wisdom to “own” the relationship without pricing being the key decision factor?

Finally, a solution:
the NEW Trusted Advisor Certification Program

It’s the only certification of its kind built to up-level and transform your people’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to generate unshakeable loyalty, add massive value, and secure the full relationship with all of your most profitable customers.

The Trusted Advisor program has been an absolute game changer due to the value we are providing for our customers!

We've moved on from being order takers to having meaningful conversations that solve problems and raise the bar on guidance.

My Trusted Advisors have moved their cross-sales from 3.9 to 6.5 on average.

Win-win all around!"

—E. Dorian, President & COO, Main Street Bank

Upon certification, bankers will be able to:

The Trusted Advisor Certification™ Program is offered by the Institute for Extraordinary Banking™, founder of the Accredited Banking Professional™ Certification—the most desired career advancement opportunity in banking today.

A quick and free Trusted Advisor Gap Analysis is being offered for a short time. It only takes a few minutes to discover where your organization needs to develop to keep your best customers…now and into the future.

Yes! I want to see how my bank and my bankers measure up against Trusted Advisor™ performance standards